Monday, December 30, 2019

...And To All A Good Night

Well, here we are at the end of another year and so very close to the dawn of a new one. Most folks I know celebrate theses two back-to-back events with lots of noise, music, drinking, and hugging. While that is fine for some, I have my own way of acknowledging the passing of one year to another, one that is marked not by noise, but by silence.

When midnight is near, I like to turn off the noise of the TV, go to my bedroom window and look out at the night sky. If I am lucky, there will be some stars to see. If I am very lucky and it is not too frigid, I like to open the window and inhale the crisp, clean air. As the countdown begins. I say a silent good-bye to the old year and thank it for all that it has taught me, good or bad. Then at midnight I welcome in the new year in prayer and affirmation. I affirm that I am open to new and wonderful, experiences, and that I will do my part by staying present and willing to follow the signals I will receive. Then I sit for a moment in silent meditation.

To finish my New Year's ritual, I pull out the letter I wrote at midnight on the last New Year's Eve and see if what I affirmed and/or committed to came true It always amazes me to see what I have learned or accomplished in the year just passed, as well as what I still need to work on. Then I write a new letter for the new year and tuck it away in my special "God Box" where I put all my prayer requests and wait until next New Year's Eve to take it out and see how I've done.

I love this ritual. It places the reins of power and accomplishment in my life back in my own hands and at the same time connects me with my silent partner, be it God, the Universe, Source, or whatever you choose to call it. It gives me hope for the future and closure for the past.

I hope that this new year will be one of joy, accomplishment, and happiness for you and your loved ones. From all of us here at Flower Bear's Garden, have a wonderful 2020. See you next year!

And so it is.

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