Monday, October 17, 2022

When Is A Scarecrow Not A Scarecrow?


Every year I look forward like a child to our annual trip to the pumpkin farm. We haven't been able to go for the last two years and I am excited to be able to finally go this year with my family - just waiting for a nice, sunny day. Meanwhile, this weekend, I was able to placate the 5 year old in me by taking a drive with my sister to our area's yearly Scarecrow Contest where contestants create and showcase their creativity, and we get to vote for our favorites. This year, the idea of "scarecrow" took on a whole new meaning, and two exhibits in particular made a huge impression on me.

If you are a person of a certain age, you will recognize the image above from that all-time classic movie: "Little Shop Of Horrors." It's the giant Venus Flytrap plant that kept wailing "feed me." Can you even imagine how much work and craftsmanship went into that exhibit? I don't know if it would scare off any crows, but it would surely entertain them. I guess you'd have to have a pretty big garden to put him in. He was about 6 feet tall and just as wide!

Of all the submissions, the one below is the one that to touched my heart the most:

I have to believe that if you want the best for your garden, having Mother Earth right there watching over it has to be your best bet. Isn't she lovely? I can tell you from having been up close and personal with her that she emits a serene feeling of wisdom and love. 

The winner won't be announced until the end of the month, but I'm hoping Mother Earth takes the prize. I guess the idea of a scarecrow, like beauty, is indeed in the eye of the beholder. Try it yourself. See if you can come up with a new idea of what a scarecrow can be. Have some fun. 

And so it is. 

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