Friday, December 16, 2022

Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Finally! After two years of mild Decembers and a white Christmas only existing in our memories and holiday songs, it looks like we're actually going to have a white Christmas this year! It's been snowing since yesterday and is not supposed to stop until late today. The temperatures for the next week will be staying in the 30's, so it looks like it will be staying around for a while, if only on the lawns and rooftops. That's okay with me. I've been dreaming of a white Christmas.

What is it about a white Christmas that speaks to our souls? Is it just the stories we grew up with about Santa Claus living up at the North Pole with all that snow? Is it the holiday music? Or maybe it's just childhood memories when a white Christmas was the norm, rather than the exception (and they say there's no climate change)? I can only speak for myself. Seeing snow on the ground reflecting the Christmas lights and decorations brings a warm glow inside my heart. Cars are driving by with Christmas trees strapped to the roof, snow clinging to the branches. People don't seem to mind the snow. They are singing along with the holiday music on the car radio and laughing. A month from now when it snows, they won't be singing, won't be happy, won't be enjoying the cold and the wet. Maybe we should just appreciate what the magic of holiday snow can do while we have it ... and maybe pray for a little more?

And so it is. 

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