Thursday, June 13, 2024

Endings And Beginnings


There are so many things going on in my life and the life of my family this month. So many endings and beginnings.  The older I get, the more I have to remind myself that there are just as many beginnings as endings if we look hard enough with an open heart.

My youngest granddaughter graduates high school this month. It seems like only yesterday we were watching "Big Comfy Couch" on PBS together and playing with dolls. She will start college in the fall, majoring in Culinary Arts. She wants to be a chef. Endings and beginnings.

My great-grandson, age 10, had his moving up ceremony yesterday. He is leaving elementary school behind and moving up to middle school. One day he is sitting at the table with me crafting and painting, the next his is sitting at the table beating me in chess! Endings and beginnings.

My #2 grandson, who will be 22 next month, just bought a house with his partner and is starting a new job. His older brother, who will be 25 next month, is all settled in, engaged, and has his own office at work. Wasn't it just yesterday that the 22 year old was 7 and taking me for a walk in the woods, showing me which "poop" belonged to which animal? And the 25 year old was sitting on the floor, rolling over in laughter over the Dancing Tigger I bought him? Endings and beginnings.

So, what about me? What are my endings and beginnings? I guess that's for me to decide. A change of residence? A new challenge? I heard a wise man say that if you don't like what you're growing, plant new seeds. Maybe it's time for me, and for all of us, to pull out those weeds, those beliefs and habits that no longer serve us, and plant some new ones. A seed will grow if it's planted in the right soil, gets the right light, and is watered regularly. And, of course, is fed with lots and lots of love.

And so it is.