Monday, December 29, 2014

What Is Mine To Do

I can hardly believe that I am sitting here writing my annual end-of-the-year post already! It seems as if 2014 flew past at lightening speed for the most part, although I know for a fact that there were 8 weeks between June and August when I thought the time was crawling by just to annoy me personally (recovery time from the fall)!

As most of you know, I am not one for New Year's Resolutions, or goal setting, or making promises I won't keep past January. This year especially, I am taking some very good advice and looking back at 2014 to see what I learned, how I grew (or didn't), what is worth taking into the new year with me, and what needs to be left behind. Most of all, I wanted to look at what I experienced at the time as setbacks which, much to my surprise, turned out to be blessings.

A funny thing happened when I took the time to sit down and run the year in review in my head. I suddenly remembered something that I had heard Colette Baron-Reid, the psychic medium and intuitive, say several times in the years I have been following her work: "What is yours will not go past you; what is yours to do will come to you". As I am a firm believer that we need to follow our gut and go with the messages we are sent, I applied that quote to the events in my life this past year and was more than surprised.

For instance, on the negative side of the equation we have the loss of a job in February, and the injuries I sustained in June when I fell (fractured hip and shoulder, surgery to put pins in my hip). At first I could see no way that these things were mine to do. That is, until I looked at what followed. While I was laid up for the entire summer - those 8 weeks that crawled, remember? - I used the time to finally sit down and do what I had been promising myself I would do for years: I put together a book of essays and published it. For someone who told her mother when she was 5 that she was going to write a book, and then took 60 years to do it, it was as if the Universe said, "okay, time for you to do this." Would I have been able to accomplish this while I was out hunting for a new job? Perhaps, but perhaps not. In this instance, I was unable to go job hunting, so I had no choice but to sit and write.

By September it was clear that I would no longer be able to heal completely if I was going to continue to live in a an apartment that was a third floor walk-up. So along came something else that was mine ... a ground floor apartment opened up in the very town I was yearning to move back to. Now instead of walking up stairs, I was walking outside on grass, watching cows in the field, geese on the pond, and blueberries growing on the hillside. What was mine did not go past me.

If I were to make one promise to myself this year, it would be to look twice at everything that comes my way and see if there isn't something there that is mine to do. I'm not talking about an obligation, but rather a idea or an opportunity that calls to me as if to say, "claim me, I'm yours."  Instead of running to get ahead, I think this year I'll just stand still, listen, and see what comes. Ah-h-h! Hear that? It's the sound of me breathing a sigh of contentment.

Happy New Year. May everything that is yours to do come to you with love and joy. And so it is.

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