Monday, March 21, 2022

Spring Has Sprung!

At 11:33 AM yesterday, Spring arrived. Did it matter that it was cold, windy, and rainy out when it happened? Absolutely not. March may be the month that has trouble from day-to-day trying to figure out what season it is, but the Spring Equinox has arrived and with it the hope and promise of new beginnings.

There are two times in the year when the idea of new beginnings appeals to me. One is in September which is traditionally the start of the school year. That is when I like to learn something new, study something I've never studied before, and challenge my intellect. The other time of the year when I celebrate new beginnings is the first day of Spring. That is the time when I want to challenge myself inside and out, to get back to walking once the snow and ice and has finally departed (however, up here in March, that possibility hangs around until April), give my apartment a good spring cleaning and maybe improve the flow, and start preparing my tiny tiny tabletop garden for the growing season. Perhaps this year I'll try a new plant, or make yet another attempt at starting seeds indoors (I swear I'm going to master this). It's also about growing myself in some way, perhaps with a new spiritual practice or, better yet, a new writing project - which is exactly what is happening this year. It really doesn't matter what I do as long as it is new, fresh, and holds the promise of growing into something beautiful. In fact, the robin singing outside my window right now is telling me that it's time to get up, get moving, and get growing!

And so it is.

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