Wednesday, December 4, 2024

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas


The tree is up, the lights are lit, the carols are playing on the radio, and there is even a dusting of snow on the ground. Yep, Christmas season is here!

It seems like only yesterday we were still running around in t-shirts wondering if summer would ever turn into fall. Now it's ugly sweaters, warm hats and mittens. The stores have been filled with decorations and sales since Halloween. It seems like the older I get, the faster time flies. Either that, or the stores are trying to beat the competition by being the first to put up Christmas displays ... in October!

As for me, I still love my old fashioned Christmas. I haven't been to a Black Friday sale in years. I like to take my time, find that perfect gift for each person, and kick back with hot chocolate while watching "It's A Wonderful Life," or, "Charlie Brown's Christmas." What's the rush? The meaning of Christmas is lost in the hustle, bustle, and frenzy of "getting it all done." What's happened to "peace on earth, good will towards men?" Or, "For unto us a child is born?" It's not about the presents under the tree. It's about the babe in the manger. It's about family, friends, warmth, love. It's about hope.

This Christmas my wish for all of you are all those things: love, peace and hope. Let the magic of Christmas back in. It may be the best Christmas gift you'll ever receive.

Peace and blessings.

P.S. If you're in the mood for a heartwarming Christmas story, check out my new book, "The Christmas Cardinal," Book Four in the Maplewood Farm Series. Available in Kindle or paperback on Amazon. It's short, sweet, and filled with Christmas magic. Merry Christmas.

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